y2cl Vector World PArt Three webcomic. The gang brings a giant monkey and a nuke to the battle.


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Vector World Part Three

Fuck, I wrote this nice long update and it didn’t update. fucker. Oh well, I’ll try to re-write it now.

So here is the conclusion to the VECTOR WORLD!! Arc….or is? stay tuned to fined out!(gee, isn’t that a nice subtle way to say there's going to be another one soon?)

Tomorrow we will see the first JN’s Diary entry strip. Wednesday brings up a strip called ‘HORROR!’. Thursday and Friday are up in the air, but will probably be the second JNs Diary strip followed by a strip called ‘y2cl vs Caitlin day’

This is all up in the air right now but that’s what this next week looks to be for strips so far.

In other news, I will never do three of these vector strips in a row again. Even though I know they are not really vector art, but I like calling it that.

Also I’ve been sick and have slept all weekend long. I feel bad for that, since I didn’t get shit done. But I really didn’t want to do a GOD DAMNED thing.

And for an update on y2c-Animated: The theme song is written, music has been recorded for it and I have begun to animate the intro for the theme song to play over. The first and second episode are almost completed in the written form. After i finish that I will record all the lines and then animate to the recorded lines. Ughh, these will probably be a once a month thing once I figure them out.

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