I am soooo the 'toast' of the town!
Seriously, dude. Shut up.
*tsk* Hate the game, not the playa there, son!


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Guest Strip by Michael C. Prokop of Starship Moonhawk

That’s right, I got Michael from Starship Moonhawk to do a guest comic for me! That’s how awesome I am. A guy who claims he doesn’t DO guest comics, and would you look at this right here, he did one for me.

Why did he do one for me? Well that’s because I’m awesome (read persistent) and bugged him until he gave in.

As per tradition when someone does an Inanimate Guest Comics I write up a little review about their comic. I first encountered Starship Moonhawk a little over a year ago when I was a member of COTM with Michael. I started loosely following the series, and it’s sidebar projectsever since.

Now I’m not a Moonhawkian expert by any means, just a casual observer, BUT I can tell you that you won’t find a series out there quite like this one. Where else do you get a series that has rebooted (I think) 4 times? That has such a rich back story and history set into it? And all for free on the internet? You can’t.

The bottom line is if you like Sci-Fi, cat girls, and a good story check out Starship Moonhawk.

2 thoughts on “Guest Strip by Michael C. Prokop of Starship Moonhawk

  1. RAWR! Thar she be, matey! 😀

    1. yes, thar she be n all her glory!

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