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Stolen From Alternative Conversations Part 1

Whats this? A STOLEN strip? Yup. It is. Well, technically not because Jonathan Burley gave me permission. How did this happen? Read the following conversation between Jonathan and me. More will follow.

[4/16/2010 10:06:52 PM] John Horsley: yeah.
[4/16/2010 10:07:02 PM] John Horsley: I havn’t been in a very comicy mood recently
[4/16/2010 10:07:06 PM] John Horsley: that and my buffer is GONE
[4/16/2010 10:07:12 PM] Jonathan Burley: why, something wrong?
[4/16/2010 10:07:16 PM] John Horsley: so I’m doing them the night before they go up, which I HATE doing
[4/16/2010 10:07:26 PM] John Horsley: new job, full time school schedule and shit
[4/16/2010 10:08:19 PM] Jonathan Burley: ah yeah that’d do it. i only had a buffer twice in my comic career
[4/16/2010 10:08:34 PM] John Horsley: I usually have a week or two buffer ahead of me
[4/16/2010 10:08:38 PM] John Horsley: right now, I have zero
[4/16/2010 10:08:41 PM] John Horsley: well, I take that back
[4/16/2010 10:08:47 PM] John Horsley: I have some Sergeant Blinky comics all done and ready
[4/16/2010 10:09:48 PM] Jonathan Burley: hmm and taking a week off would probably be out of the question lol
[4/16/2010 10:10:20 PM] John Horsley: I’ve thought about it man
[4/16/2010 10:10:28 PM] John Horsley: but I haven;t missed an update in…forever
[4/16/2010 10:10:44 PM] Jonathan Burley: you could do….here’s an idea:
[4/16/2010 10:11:10 PM] Jonathan Burley: come up with a multi-panel comic, right? but only put one panel of the comic up a day
[4/16/2010 10:11:32 PM] John Horsley: thats a good idea
[4/16/2010 10:11:36 PM] John Horsley: stretch it out
[4/16/2010 10:11:41 PM] Jonathan Burley: then you could stretch one comic for a week…yeah lol
[4/16/2010 10:11:47 PM] Jonathan Burley: suspense
[4/16/2010 10:28:02 PM] Jonathan Burley: lol
[4/16/2010 10:56:06 PM] Jonathan Burley: you could always come up with a mini-series from an idea too. those go pretty fast if you’re short on an idea. like and the two after it
[12:14:59 AM] Jonathan Burley: so what do you think of a mini-series? you could do your own stranded on an island set lol
[12:15:11 AM] Jonathan Burley: lots of possibilities there. coulda made mine longer
[12:20:31 AM] Jonathan Burley: alright, i’m gonna take off for a few hours to relax since i’ve done my homework. then probably bed
[12:20:36 AM] Jonathan Burley: got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow :\
[12:20:57 AM] John Horsley: lol
[12:21:07 AM] John Horsley: maybe I’ll just steal yout island idea
[12:21:13 AM] John Horsley: do the EXACT same comics
[12:21:16 AM] John Horsley: with my characters
[12:21:23 AM] Jonathan Burley: haha you’re a creative dude. 😛 you could easily make your own
[12:21:54 AM] Jonathan Burley: i don’t mind sharing ideas though. you can use zombie week too if you want :\
[12:22:14 AM] John Horsley: yeah, but it would make me laugh to no end to just take your comic and literally PASTE one of my characters over it and change NOTHING else

This is a hint to anyone, you give me permission and I will do it. That and a good challenge. I love challenges. Like your mom.

Original comic:

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