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Trav Takes Donations

And here it is, your Super Special awesome-tastic Christmas Fuzzy Memory!

5 thoughts on “Trav Takes Donations

  1. I know there’s a missing Santa hat in panels 2 and three, but I am hoping you will forget that and enjoy the comic for what it is, awesome!

  2. god damn, looking at this again I really freakin’ love panel 3. Alot.

  3. Ivan loves this comic! The last panel is awesome! Ivan loves the ‘don’t fuck with me’ look on Travs face!

    Do Ivan get bonus for knowing Trav is from taxi driver?

    1. Ivan you get the first official Fuzzy Memory No Prize! We’ll have to dedicate an entire strip in your honor with panels of nothing but puppets and boobs. If that is to your satisfaction.

      1. I think Ivan might like that. And Josh, when did we decide to give out the offical Fuzzy Memory No Prize? I thought we where SAVING that for a HOT CHICK!?!?! the hell man? shiiiiiiiit

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