So there are cameos from 42 comics in this strip. Well, let me clarify that a little. There are cameos from 40 web-comics, 1 newspaper comic and 1 author/actor/geek that I like a lot.
Can you find them all?
I’m holding a contest with this strip!
Name as many as you can in the form below (and leave a comment saying you entered the contest) and you could win a free book! A T-Shirt! A Bookmark! A Button! A sketch Card! Original Art! Name ALL 42 cameos and you will get the original art for this strip signed and framed!
To make thinks easier here is a HIGH REZ version of the strip!
Also, here is a nicely numbered version to point out where all 42 of the cameos are! Please correspond your answers to the number on this chart!
1. Ami – The Glass Urchin
2. E’tan – The Luminaries
3. Calamities of Nature
4. Minos – Minos the Minotaur
5. Intense Kitty – Goo From Another Dimension
6. Bunny Wiggins – Muddlecreek
7. Badass Muthas’
8. Arthur – Sheldon
9. Shmoofy – HPKomics
10. Zorphbert – Zorphbert & Fred
11. Snef – Edemia World
12. Les – Urban Jungle
13. Stan – Bullfinch
14. El Arquitecto – Breaking The Ice
15. Pliny – Elderly Apple
16. Oy – Oy Comics
17. Ant Guy
18. Unconscious Ink
19. Astray 3
20. Skat – The Skit and Skat Show!
21. Circle vs Square
22. Sock Monkey
23. Mr Owl – Daisy Owl
24. Jot – Fantasy Story
25. Epic Fail
26. Cock n Bull
27. Tree – Inanimate
28. Cosmic Dash
29. Strange Gods
30. Dog eat Doug
31. Anomaly
32. Music of the Spheres
33. xkcd
34. Trying Human
35. Rick the Stick
36. Cobra Dog
37. Snoopy
38. Pie & Guy
39. Wil Wheaton
40. A Rusty Life
41. Ripeville
42. Starship Moonhawk
4 thoughts on “JMK 5.0”
oh hey! nice idea~! aiiight, i’m gonna guess them all!!!!
best of luck! I posted a hint on twitter, which I’ll post here now…
numbers 20 and 27 are from comics that I also work on.
ohhh Ivan will enter!
5 – Intense Kitty, Goo From Another Dimension
42 – Starship Moonhawk
31 – Anomoly
14 – Breaking The Ice
7 – Badass Muthas
22 – Sock Monkey
4 – Minos the Minotaur
32 – Music of the Spheres
26 – Cock N Bull
1 – Glass Urchin
24 – Jot, Fantasy Story
40 – A Rusty Life
27 – Tree, Inanimate
yin yoga
informative post to read!!!