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Fan Shout Out

That handsome devil in panel one, the one that interupts the scene, his name is Phil and he writes for PengyPress and answered my call on twitter for anyone who wanted a cameo character in y2cl. Since he was the first to reply, he won the award! At first I had made the call for other comic creators to cameo one of their comic characters in y2cl, and since Phil has no comic HE got to be the cameo!

It’s funny how that idea completely wrote this strip.

I think it came out nice and funny! What say you, oh faithful readership?

Oh! Good news! y2cl #500 is in the works, and it will be EPIC!

After y2cl #500 hits store shelves (and by that I mean posts) y2cl will have comic updates DAILY as we are adding a new sub feature to this site/comic. We will be launching ‘y2cl Presents: Inanimate’ that will run on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, giving you 7 comics each and every week!

Also! Check out todays Fuzzy Memory! The first FM of the year!

3 thoughts on “Fan Shout Out

  1. Hello Phil! Ivan here…I go read PengyPress now!

  2. Hi, I’ve just joined the WAR! so I thought I’d come and check out the competition. Seems pretty good… Y’know we should totally team up and backstab the other guys.

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