JN and Garret debate which type of Jesus is worse.


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Gangsta vs NJ



As you can tell, today’s strip features two well known types of Jesus. The Nazi Jesus, and the Gangsta Jesus. Of course Nazi Jesus wins, I mean come on, who would you vote for in a fight like that? But its not really a fight. Some one said it was al little confusing, so I’ll explain.

The cat sitting next to JN is Garret, Kbot’s bro. this strip came from a conversation with him about Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4. we both made a Jesus character, his Gangsta, mine Nazi. The strip is almost a word for word recreation of that conversation.

Anyways, in other news I’m really cold. Not that anyone cares.

Oh, and I’m holding a little contest, for people who would like to see them selves in y2christ. Just go here (link removed) the winner of the contest gets to either bang a donkey (in a strip), or cock fight Kepa with strap ons (either in the strip, or in real life.) I'll pick the winner on Saturday, they will appear in Wednesdays strip (next Wednesday that is)

Well, I think that is all. We will have a new character appearing as a regular in Monday’s strip, and it’s a female! I haven’t chosen a name yet, but will before Monday.

On Friday, its ‘Star Wars


(sometime in 2005 I think?)

I think I talk about this one pretty well in the News for this day, but I’ll go ahead and talk a little more on it. As I said, it is literally a word for word translation of a conversation between Garret and I. Also, this strip features the first appearance of Garret, NJ and Gangsta Jesus. NJ and Gangasta don’t actually start becoming regulars until around strip 50 or so. I like to see Garret as the Green Arrow to my Justice League in this strip (if you don’t get that reference, Green Arrow wasn’t in the original Justice League, but he joined in issue 4, so he was ALMOST an original member. That and they are both smart asses). Again we have Dylan masturbating on the couch, with his pretty pink blanket.

To see the original strip click here

4 thoughts on “Gangsta vs NJ

  1. didn’t work for me *shrugs*

    1. I’m sorry, better luck next time.

  2. I couldn’t understand some parts of this article the comic, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.

    1. Check all the resources clearly not a spam bot.

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