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Election Day

Welcome to the first Fuzzy Memory comic! I want to give an extra special thanks to Tommie Kelly for letting us borrow his guys from Road Crew to help get the Fuzzy Memory set in place. If you haven’t check out his comic yet, be sure to do so, it’s full of great rock/roadie humor and excellent art.

On another note I would like to give a big F.U. to Josh for giving me a script with so much in it to draw on such short notice. I know I ‘asked’ you for an election day strip, but seriously dude, you wanted me to draw HOW MANY CELEBRITIES? FUCK YOU I got it done, even if it is still all pencils.

Now to make a special post to Inanimate

8 thoughts on “Election Day

  1. Great job babe! I really like this one! GET OUT AND VOTE!!! I like it when you draw them by hand! LOVE YOU!

    1. well, I might still draw Palin getting double dipped. Then again, I refuse to draw nipples.

  2. Hey you got away with only having to draw Selleck’s pornstache so I don’t know what you’re complaining about. 🙂 I originally wanted to have a very explicit drawing of Palin getting double dipped by Russian diplomats so…but to be fair you might have enjoyed drawing that more. Great job man!

  3. Oh and big shouts out to the Road Crew team for helping move the furniture. Many thanks guys

  4. Puny man needs to stop complaining and make decision! Ivan does not like the yelling! Ivan is pleased to be seeing Mr Hogan in this comic! Mr Hogan is a true blue American! you Americans should be more like MR Hogan!

  5. It’s a great start, don’t stop there or my fetus will attack you. lol

    1. I’m glad you like it! there’s a lot more to come!

  6. Very nice use of invective.

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