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75 years ago, the greatest smart ass was born.

Today my dad would be 75 years old.

My daughters have a cheer competition today that I know he'd be at to root them on is he was still here. He was the kind of dad/grandpa that had his hobbies, the things he linked to do, but when it came down to it if it was between something else or supporting his kids, he picked his kids every time. This man supported me while I was in bands playing music, even though it was VERY clear he did not enjoy the punk songs we played in the garage. Him and my mom let us take over the entire top of the garage and make in a band room for many years. Sometimes he'd come up and and give us "constructive criticism" about the music we played. In general the things he would say weren't negative (unless it was clear he was just giving us shit) but helpful. 

He'd say things like:

"Johnny, you need to slow down. You're playing like a crackhead hamster"

"Jeff, you're flat. Do better."

"Calvin, it's a real good thing your pretty.

Happy Birthday Dad. I miss the hell out of you. 

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