Full page with an oval design, very Christmasy.

'Twas the night before we reached Larry's,
when all through the ship
All we heard was humping, and thumping, and shit;
Calvereena was hung, and slipped inside Pot,
In hopes he'd get high while Pot was red hot;
Blinky and Awesome were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of killing Nazi's danced in their heads;
And Jeffers in his banana hammock, and I in my cape,
Had just settled down for this long ships embrace,
When out of our cells there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the cell bars I flew like The Flash,
Red spandex tights with a lightning bolt out my ass.
The moon and the breast of a brand new ho'
Gave the luster of Vegas to us down below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should arrive,
But a miniature pimp, and eight tiny guys,
With a bunny rabbit shaped man, so ornery and hairy,
I knew in a moment it was that dick called Larry.
More rapid than eagles his curses they came,
And he grunted, and moaned, and called us by name;
"Now, Blinky! now, Pot! now Cal and that Jeffers!
Lt. Awesome Stance! Nonly and Kettle you heffer!
To the top of you feet! Faces firm to thew wall!
Now drop 'em! drop 'em! pants and all!"
As dry asses shine before Larry's dropped fly,
The boys clench their legs, so fruitful and shy,
So out to the window young Jeffers flew,
He saw darkness, stars and planets too .


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It’s the Great Christmas Crossover, Jonly! – Page 22

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