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Elephant Bag

In honor of black Friday, which I am currently out celebrating with my wife and spending money on shit I don’t need, I decided to treat you to another comic co-created by my wife!

Isn’t she clever! I love her! well, not I’m off to bed to SLEEEEEEEEEP.

4 thoughts on “Elephant Bag

  1. Ivan likes the jokes your wife tells! Ivan would like to see your wife! NAKED!

    1. Ivan, I can not let you see my wife naked. I would then have to kill you, and you seem to really like my comics so that would be a shame.

      1. We-ell, you could show us your wife naked and then kill Ivan. After all, you have me to replace the git! 🙂

        1. So I’m trading a strange Russian fan for a strange Aussie fan? At least your English makes sense!

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