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Veterans Day – Grandpa Lefty

As you know today is Veterans Day.

This comic is in honor or my Grandfather who dropped out of school to follow his older brother Howard into the Navy to serve and fight in World War II.

These pictures where taken in the late 1930’s and the early 1940’s. The man standing next to my garndpa is his brother Howard.

He was a Naval diver and worked alongside Carl Brasher.

He now works around his house, on his tractor, in his garden and in his garage every day. 86 years old and still does more in a day than people half his age.

This day is for you Grandpa.

4 thoughts on “Veterans Day – Grandpa Lefty

  1. Very nice my love! You did a great job. Thank you to all veterans, especially to the ones who are close and dear to us, here or not! <3

    1. fo sho! My father and uncle are also veterans, respect to them all.

  2. Great job Johnny. Very nicely done. Love It !!!!

    1. Thank you! I spent some time on it, not as much as I wanted to know.

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