Dylan talking about graduating and working at McDonalds while eating pizza.


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Dylan’s Diary – Gadiation

This is how Dylan really is. Laid back and funny. If I could put a camera on that man and watch it all day long…I would probably change the channel, BUT I would at least START there.

Art stolen from Dylan's Diary - Hospital Food


7 thoughts on “Dylan’s Diary – Gadiation

  1. haha,,… yeah. these words later came true.

    1. with higher learning comes higher…highs.

      Maybe you CAN be store manager in 5 years!

      like the songs says ‘you can do it put your back into it!’

  2. Aim high, young man!!

  3. Nothing is wrong with shift manager! Store Manager is aiming to high! know your limits man!

  4. I also find it impressive Dylan manage to eat that WHOLE pizza. How long DID it take Dylan to say this little speech?

  5. Goals…..tiny, little goals! 🙂

    1. yes, that’s what it’s all about!

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