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Special Sock

I only have about a dozen or so more images form Mike Gordon to use for FAM here until I run out. Send him an email and tell him to draw more comics.

Currently he just opened up a store in old town Silverdale, Washington called ‘Old Towne Antiques’ where he sells a lot of really neat, and random, stuff. It’s basically all the stuff you would see on his website and more. I’ll go down there and get some pictures for you all. Or better yet, I’ll have him update his website with pictures.

Oh yeah, I have pneumonia. Go me.

UPDATE - 11/14/2024

The pneumonia I had would end up being pretty bad. I tried to take time off of work to heal, but work would only give me a day here or there so I just suffered and had to go it. I went from ranked in the trop 5 in the building, to on a write up ready to get fired over the course of a month with pneumonia. Thankfully I was able to get a new job shortly after this and told them to fuck off. If you're curious, I worked for TeleTech and they are a piece of shit company for how they treat their employees. 

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