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Kink in the Chain

Original blog written by Joe Garcia

If you’ve followed For The Reels for over a year, you’d know that my hard drive on my Macbook becomes dismounted annually.  It sucks, but not so much that I’d go get another computer.  For me, having to take it to be repaired so often is a price I’d gladly pay for the lack of other issues I have with it.  49 weeks out of the year, my computer runs like a dream.

The repairs are covered under warranty, but it’ll take 3 weeks for the new drive to get to the Mac Shack and for them to replace it.  The next parody will be mid-March and will make fun ofTaken.  In the mean time, we’ll be throwing some hilarious Behind-the-Scenes strips your way put together by the man, JN Horsely III.

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